Portal de Cehegin


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Cehegin News - October 2010

detail of Cehegin
  • Development Minister signed the Convention of Cultural '1% 'for the City of Begastri (28/10/2010)

  • Blanco signed the agreement of 1% for the deposit Cultural Begastri in Cehegín (Murcia) (27/10/2010)
    Promotion allocated 207,000 euros to the consolidation of the walls and structures of the eastern and central conclusion of the interim receiving visitors
  • Blanco signed the agreement of 1% for the deposit Cultural Begastri in Cehegín (Murcia) (26/10/2010)
    Fostering more than 207,000 euros allocated to this activity
  • Nace Photography Contest 'Forestry and Orchard Cehegín' (26/10/2010)

  • The people and the sports can be booked via Internet (26/10/2010)

  • The new season of the handicraft market 'The Mesoncico' starts 31 October (19/10/2010)

  • Application period for requesting the use of business incubator Northwest (18/10/2010)

  • Soria: "We have always opposed the allocation system has brought works that we have to pay back 96,000 euros" (15/10/2010)

  • Public Safety headquarters in Cehegín be completed in the second quarter of 2011 (14/10/2010)
    The Minister of Justice and Public Security visits the center, which has a total budget of over one million euros
  • Cehegín calculated from the month of April with a new building for the Police and Civil Protection (14/10/2010)

  • Soria: "The PSOE has opened a campaign to discredit to the City" (11/10/2010)

  • The Cehegín PSOE PP requires the mayor to serve the sentence requiring him to provide the information requested by the Socialist Group (11/10/2010)
    José Rafael Rocamora recalls that information is a right, not only the opposition but of citizens Cehegin we represent "
  • Ramon Mata, Rivers and David Concepcion Fernandez torean morning Cehegín (08/10/2010)

  • The City Council grants to AFEMNOR, ADINOR and Day Center San Francisco (07/10/2010)

  • They begin to paint the facade of social housing García Márquez (06/10/2010)

  • The Musical Society Chorus and City of Cehegín raise 1,300 euros for Haiti (04/10/2010)

  • Begin work on the tourist trail that passes through El Campillo and Ecological Park (04/10/2010)

  • Cehegín Local Police launches website (02/10/2010)

  • The ICT Reference Centre opens its doors Cehegín (01/10/2010)


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